How do I use the Express Return feature?

Here is a guide to enable and utilize the Express Return feature when processing an RMA in WMS.

An Express Return is a return created in WMS that is created, claimed, and received, all at the same time. This is a useful tool for businesses that don't have distinct ERP and WMS users (i.e., there might just be one or two users who work in all modules). 

Enabling Express Return

In WMS, go to Administration > Profile Settings > Return. Next to Express RMA Return, select Enable. Click Save Settings. 

Tip: After updating a setting, if you don't see your changes right away, just log out, refresh, and log back in. 

Doing an Express Return

Because this is created at the same time it is received, this must originate in WMS (not ERP). First, identify the sales order you need to initiate a return for. Keep the S/O # or Channel Order ID handy.

In WMS, go to Return > RMA List. Enter the S/O # or Channel Order ID in the search field. Make sure Search ERP is selected (it doesn't matter whether or not Search RMA is selected). Click Search. 

Click Create New.

Note: If there are multiple invoices for a single order, each invoice will be on a distinct row. If this is the case with your order, you must determine which invoice(s) need to have return(s) made for them.

Click Express Return.

From here you can either scan or type in your items. 

Scan: First, select the correct virtual warehouse in the Marked as dropdown. Put your cursor in the SKU / UPC field. Scan your item. The number of items you scan will determine the quantity. Continue until you are finished.

Type: Hovering over the SKU, click the copy icon. 

Paste it into the SKU / UPC field. Adjust the Quantity and select the correct virtual warehouse in the Marked as dropdown.

Click the Tab key. You will hear a chiming sound indicating this was successful. The SKU / UPC field will empty and the information below will update. As you can see in this example, only one SKU is being claimed (although you can do a full return, if you wish). One of the items returned is in questionable condition and needs to be inspected. The rest have been deemed resalable. The quantities show in the respective columns, as well as the total claimed amount.

Whether you scanned or typed, when you are finished, click Complete.

Depending on the size of the return, the process may take a few minutes (bear in mind, the system is claiming, receiving, and completing all at the same time). You will see a window telling you the process has begun.

When it's complete, it will update. Click Go to detail.

Your RMA is complete! You now have an RMA # that you can use to locate the RMA in ERP, if you need to process a refund.