How do I use the Paste from Excel tool for bulk data entry?

Here is a guide on how to use the Paste from Excel tool in ERP when entering product data in bulk.

When you are using the Product Bulk Entry function, Bulk Add Product function, sales order function - or just about any time you need to enter data for multiple rows within a grid, you likely are able to paste values directly from a spreadsheet (Excel, Google, etc.). This will save you a ton of time and is highly recommended to use as a tool. 

I'll show you a couple of examples.

Example 1: Bulk Add Product

Let's say you are launching a new line and have product information that you need to get into ERP quickly. You can do a file import with Excel, or simply paste from a spreadsheet.

First, go to Inventory > Bulk Add Product.

This will take you to an empty grid. You have a couple of options here. You could go through your spreadsheet to make sure the column headers match exactly with those in DigitBridge. Or, to be safe, you can right-click anywhere in the grid and click Copy to Excel.

Paste into a blank page in a spreadsheet file. I am using Google Spreadsheet, but Excel works as well (or anything that uses .csv). 

Tip: The pro for doing it this way is that there is no chance of the header in your spreadsheet not matching up with DigitBridge and if you do it manually, there's always the chance for human error.

Fill out your spreadsheet with the product information. Select all of the cells you wish to have uploaded (you can use the Ctrl/command+a or click the box in the upper left-hand corner of the spreadsheet to select all). 

Warning: It is crucial that you remember to select and copy the headers as well (and that they match exactly with what is in DigitBridge). Without them, the system will not know where to map the data and nothing will appear.

Back in DigitBridge, right-click anywhere in the grid and click Paste From Excel - Update Grid.

All of your product information will appear. Click Save.

Caution: When you are pasting information from spreadsheets to update (rather than to add), you want to be careful not to overwrite any existing data with blank values. For example:

You have a Product Name and Title for several SKUs in DigitBridge.

You want to update some information for these SKUs but aren't going to update the Title. You still have a column for Title, though - it just doesn't have anything in it.

This will overwrite the existing Title information with blank cells. Therefore, you must remember to only paste the columns you wish to update and delete all other ones.

Example 2: Sales Order

It's common with wholesale orders for an order to be sent in spreadsheet format. Typically, you would have to input this information line by line. Luckily, you don't need to do that this time.

In ERP, go to Sales > S/O Management.

Click Add.

Leaving the SKUs for last, create the S/O as you normally would. Then, go to your spreadsheet and remove all columns except for SKU and Order (i.e., quantity being ordered). All of the other information will self-populate. Select everything you want to input, including the headers (see Warning above).

Note: If a scenario arises in which you are giving the customer one-off pricing, you can keep the Price column and that will override the pricing information in the system.

Back in DigitBridge, right-click anywhere in the grid in the Lines tab. Click Paste from Excel - Append Grid.

Your order items and quantities will appear. Now you can save the order.

Anywhere you see a grid that looks this way, chances are that you can Paste from Excel by right-clicking. Just follow the guidelines as set forth above.