How do I use the Sales Commission Report?

Here's a guide on how to track commission, run a commission report, and otherwise manage sales commission in DigitBridge.

To get to the sales commission report, in ERP, go to Accounts Receivable > Commission from Sales.

To see all existing reports, click Apply. You can see that some of them have been posted and some have not, meaning they are still in progress.

To create a new commission report, click Add.

Caution: If you are running commissions reports consecutively, it is important to note that you will not be able to run an accurate new commission report until the previous period's report has been posted. It must be closed out before you attempt to run the next period's report. If you try to run it anyway, this warning will appear.

When adding a new report, the first thing you'll do is name it in the Comm. Number field.

Next, click Filter to set your date range. You can also further refine your search by including only certain customers.

When you have set your filters, click Load. The first thing you'll see is a Summary report of the time frame indicated. This shows you the commission amount for each representative. 

  1. The Invoice COMM is the cumulative commission of all invoices created or updated during the indicated time frame. This does not include any returns.
  2. The LP COMM column represents the last paid commission for this sales rep. This is necessary because there may have been a commission paid for invoices in the previous month (or quarter, depending on how you structure your commission). If an invoice has been updated in the current period in a way that alters the commissionable amount, we need to recalculate the final commission by factoring in the changes made to the invoices with the last paid commission.
  3. The DED COMM is the commission of total payment deductions (total payment deductions multiplied by the commission rate).
  4. The EXP COMM is the commission of total expenses (total expenses multiplied by the commission rate).
  5. The Pay column represents the final commission amount that needs to be paid for this period. It is calculated by subtracting the last paid commission (LP COMM), the deduction commission (DED COMM), and the expense commission (EXP COMM) from the commission amount for the current invoice (Invoice COMM).

The Payment Deduction tab will show any expenses listed on included invoices. These expenses will be subtracted from the commission of the sales representative.

The Expense tab will show expenses that are not linked to any invoice but should still be factored into the commission calculation. These can easily be added by clicking the Add Item button

The Invoice tab is where you will find all of the invoices that have been added or updated within the selected date period - in essence, all of the invoices that will inform this particular commission report.

The calculation logic for your report is based on several factors.

  1. The $ Sales column represents the current sales amount of each invoice.
  2. The COMMBLE column represents the commissionable amount of each invoice. It is necessary to distinguish this from $ Sales because some items may not be eligible for commission.
  3. The IN COMM column represents the commission amount for the individual invoice based on the commissionable amount.
  4. The LP COMM column represents the last paid commission for the invoice. This is necessary because there may have been a commission paid for this invoice in the previous month (or quarter, depending on how you structure your commission). If the invoice has been updated in the current period in a way that alters the commissionable amount, we need to recalculate the final commission by factoring in the changes made to the invoices with the last paid commission.
  5. The Pay column represents the final commission amount that needs to be paid for this period. It is calculated by subtracting the last paid commission (LP COMM) from the commission amount for the current invoice (IN COMM).

The Transaction Tab displays detailed transactions (invoice payments, refunds, credit memos, etc.) used to calculate invoice commission. 

Lastly, the Sales Rep tab displays a detailed report for each sales representative. Users can choose to export this grid to Excel as a commission detail report by right-clicking anywhere within the grid and clicking Copy to Excel. They can then paste the data into Excel or the spreadsheet software of their choosing.

Once the report has been loaded and is accurate, change the process mode from Add to Post.

The orange Post button is now available. Click it.

Your commission report is complete and has been posted.

Note: Every organization has different commission structures and processes in place. It is therefore crucial to ensure that your DigitBridge account is setup to support your unique structure. This should be done during onboarding but if any changes need to be made, please reach out to your Account Manager for assistance.