How do I void a shipment?

Here is how you can void a shipment and shipping label in WMS if it has already been marked shipped.

Sometimes you will need to cancel a shipment after the shipment has been marked "Shipped" in the system. The normal methods for canceling a shipment or putting a hold on a shipment will not work in this case. Instead, you will need to void the shipping label in order to void the shipment overall.

Go to Sales Order > Shipment and locate the shipment you need to adjust. Click on the gear icon to the right of the shipment and select Shipment Detail. Locate and copy the Tracking #.

In WMS, under Sales Order > Scan to Ship, click the three horizontal dots and select Scan Tracking Number. Paste the number and hit enter. Click the three horizontal dots at the lower left corner and click Void Shipment > Yes. Click OK.

After no more than five minutes, your shipment will update to the status of Pending and you will be able to cancel it with the usual steps. 

See video with audio: