How do regular suppliers use the Vendor Portal?

Here's a guide to how regular, non-dropship suppliers can view their purchase orders and A/P Bills.

First, get your supplier set up on the Vendor Portal.

Purchase Orders (P/Os)

From the vendor portal, there are two ways a supplier can get to their purchase orders. One is by going to the Get Things Done tab and clicking Purchase Order. This will take them to the Purchase Order List.

They can also get there by clicking the Purchase Order tab on the left. Click Apply to see all orders.

Accounts Payable (A/P) Bills

From the vendor portal, there are two ways a supplier can get to A/P Bills. One is by going to the Get Things Done tab and clicking A/P Bill. This will take them to the A/P Bill List.

The other is by going directly to the A/P Bill tab on the left, which also opens the Shipment List. Click Apply to see all bills.

Supplier Chain Notes

From the vendor portal, there are two ways a supplier can get to Supplier Chain Notes. One is by going to the Get Things Done tab and clicking Supplier Chain Notes. This will take them to the Supplier Chain Notes List.

The other is by going directly to the Supplier Chain Notes tab on the left, which also opens the Supplier Chain Notes List. Click Apply to see all notes. Click Add to create a new one.

This opens a notes screen. Enter the P/O # or use the magnifying glass icon to search for one. Enter the Activity to determine what type of note to categorize it as. Enter start and end dates. Enter your note and click Save.

You also have the option to add custom notes at the bottom if you’d like.

Click Yes.

If you want to edit an existing supplier chain note, make sure you are in Edit Mode first. Make any edits to the note itself. You can also use the Action button to either view and download or upload attachments to the note (you can do this in View Mode as well). Click Action > Attachment Files.

Here, you can download any existing attachments by selecting the attachment and clicking Download. You can also add a new attachment by clicking Add Files.

 Either drag your file to the box as indicated or click the box to select a file from your device. Enter a description of the attachment. Click Upload.

Again, click Save in the upper-right when you're done.

Click Yes.