Product Feature Release 1/26/24

A comprehensive breakdown of all features, fixes, and updates released on 1/26/24.


Vendor Credit | We have added a Vendor Credit function in the Accounts Payable menu tab. This includes a Vendor Credit list and a Vendor Credit management page. 

How do I use Vendor Credits? - NEW

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Deposits | Similar to prepayments in Accounts Receivable, you can now create Accounts Payable deposits. This function comes with both a list and a management page as well.

How do I create an A/P Deposit? - NEW

Accounts Payable Bill Payment | We have significantly increased the functionality of our A/P Bill and A/P Bill Payment features.

How do I manage A/P Bills? - updated

How do I create an A/P Bill payment? - updated

Accounts Payable Bill Inquiry | Similar to our Invoice Inquiry Report in Accounts Receivable, you can now run A/P Bill Inquiry reports from this new tab.

What is the A/P Bill Inquiry and how do I use it? - NEW

Purchase Order Receive Inquiry | Similar to our Sales Order Inquiry, we have added a P/O Receive Inquiry feature in the ERP Module for more robust data analysis of P/O Receives over a given period. 

What is the P/O Receive Inquiry and how do I use it? - NEW

Accounts Payable Outstanding Bill Inquiry | Similar to our Outstanding Invoice Inquiry Report in Accounts Receivable, we’ve added an easy way to view and keep track of Outstanding A/P Bills.

What is the A/P Outstanding Bill Inquiry and how do I use it? - NEW

Post Accounts Payable Bills and Bill Payments to QuickBooks | Our QuickBooks integration has deepened - allowing users to easily post A/P payments directly to QuickBooks bill payments, apply vendor credits to QuickBooks bill payments, and apply journal entries (or A/P prepayments) to QuickBooks bill payments. 

How do I manage A/P Bills? (scroll to bottom, what to do if a payment doesn’t automatically post)

Accounts Receivable

Improved Prepayment Functionality | You now have the ability to quickly create a prepayment directly from a sales order.

How do I process a credit card prepayment? - updated

Dropship Settlement

Dropship Settlement File | We have introduced easy Dropship Settlement functionality into our Dropship Ecosystem, allowing sellers to easily submit P/Os to their suppliers and pay them as orders are fulfilled. This gathers all A/P Bill Payments together into a single settlement file for the supplier.

Vendor Portal - Dropship Supplier

How do I set up a Vendor in the Vendor Portal? - NEW

View & Download Purchase Orders | Our newly launched Vendor Portal now gives suppliers the ability to view and download Dropship P/Os.

How do dropship suppliers use the Vendor Portal? - NEW

Enter and Upload Dropship Shipments | Our newly launched Vendor Portal now gives suppliers the ability to enter and upload Dropship shipments.

How do dropship suppliers use the Vendor Portal? - NEW

Enter and Upload Dropship Invoices | Our newly launched Vendor Portal now gives suppliers the ability to view and manage their invoices.

How do dropship suppliers use the Vendor Portal? - NEW

Vendor Portal - Regular Vendors

How do I set up a Vendor in the Vendor Portal?

View and Print Reports | Suppliers using the new Vendor Portal can view Purchase Orders and A/P Bills.

How do regular suppliers use the Vendor Portal? - NEW

View and Enter Supplier Chain Notes | Users are now able to easily view, enter, and export supply chain notes from P/Os in fewer steps.

How do regular suppliers use the Vendor Portal? - NEW

How do I use supplier chain notes? - NEW

EDI Integration

Increased EDI Functionality | Our EDI capabilities now include importing EDI P/O 850 to sales orders, exporting ASN to EDI 856, and exporting invoices to EDI 810.

Color and Size NRF Metadata

NRF Codes | We will pre-load all NRF codes for color and size inside of DigitBridge for easy import (so you don’t have to do an internet search). 

Get Things Done

Set Favorites in Get Things Done | Users can now curate their own experience on the ERP Homepage: Get Things Done by setting Favorites so they can navigate more quickly to their most used functions.

How do I set Favorites on the ERP Home Page? - NEW


Refund Receipt Improvement | We have built guardrails that only allow refund receipts to be created for invoices with negative balances.


Inventory Replenishment Improvement | Users can now generate a P/O Proposal for fast re-ordering.

What is Inventory Replenishment and how do I do it? - updated

How do I create a Purchase Order from a P/O Proposal? - NEW