Product Feature Release 4/12/24

A comprehensive breakdown of all features, fixes, and updates released on 4/12/24.


Sales Rep & Commission in Customer List | Both the associated Sales Rep and Commission are now available to use as columns in the Customer List. This also means you are able to sort and filter by those values.

Customer Mapping | You can now map a customer to a channel and QuickBooks directly from the Customer Management page via the Action button. 

How do I complete setting up a Customer? - updated


Invoice Return List Search Improvement | We have added the ability to search by Return # on the Invoice Return List (in RMA Management). This has been an option in the More Filter list in the past, but not in the main list page drop down. 

Consignment Sales | We have expanded our sales functionality to include sales for consignment customers. We are very excited about this as it opens many new opportunities for our clients. Several user guides have been created for this.

How do I create a Consignment Sales Order? - NEW

How do I fulfill a Consignment Order? - NEW

How do I create and process a Consignment Invoice? - NEW

How do I close a Consignment Sales Order? - NEW

How do I process the return of a Consignment Order? - NEW

Accounts Receivable

Refund Receipts List Search Improvement | We have added the ability to search by Receipt # on the Refund Receipts List. This has been an option in the More Filter list in the past, but not in the main list page drop down. 

Added Clarity to Receiving Payments | There are two ways to process payments in DigitBridge: via the Receive Payment flow and via the Settlement File Payment flow. The former is for non-digital customers (e.g., wholesale) not connected to any channel. The latter is for digital customers (e.g., connected to a particular sales channel. This can get a bit confusing, so we have introduced warnings if a user tries to process a payment for the wrong type of customer in the wrong place. This message will read: “The customer ABCD is connected to channel 1234 and should use the Settlement File Payment page to make a payment” OR “The customer EFGH is not linked to any channel and should use the Receive Payment page to make a payment.” Both warnings prompt the user to click Yes, which will direct them to the right page.