Product Feature Release 7/1/24

A comprehensive breakdown of all features, fixes, and updates released on 7/1/24.


Payment Restrictions on Customers | Users now have the option of creating a credit limit for specific customers. If a customer reaches this limit, new orders will be put on hold. You can also add a setting requiring a customer to prepay for all orders. These customers can make new orders only with a prepayment that meets or exceeds the amount of the new sales order. Otherwise, the order will be placed on hold.

How do I add a credit limit to a customer? - NEW

How do I add a prepayment restriction to a customer? - NEW


Tracking Notes and Attachments Enabled in View Mode | Sales Orders, Invoices, P/Os, etc., when in View mode, could not have their tracking notes or attachments accessed or edited. Now, without having to change to Edit mode, you can add, edit, and save tracking notes and attachments.

How do I attach notes and files to records?