QuickBooks Integration with DigitBridge

Below is the process for creating transactions in DigitBridge and how they will migrate to QuickBooks both in Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.


Create an Invoice, save it, and it automatically posts to QuickBooks.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I manually create an invoice?

Note: Invoices typically are created automatically upon fulfillment of a Sales Order (S/O) and not done manually. The QuickBooks integration works the same way for invoices created automatically as it does for ones created manually.

In QuickBooks:

Here is the invoice in QuickBooks.



Create a prepayment for a particular customer, mark it paid, and it automatically posts to QuickBooks.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I process a prepayment?

Note: You can also create a prepayment directly from a (S/O). That prepayment will then automatically associate itself with the invoice created from that S/O once it has been fulfilled.

In QuickBooks:

Here is the prepayment in QuickBooks.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Credit Memo

Create a Credit Memo for a customer and save it. It will not go to QuickBooks right away - it will remain exclusively in DigitBridge until it has been applied to a payment. Once that happens, the record of that credit memo will appear in QuickBooks.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I create a Credit Memo?

Note: The example in this video is a Customer Credit Memo. It is also possible to create Invoice-Affiliated Credit Memos (i.e., Invoice Returns) and Unaffiliated Credit Memos as discussed in the above guide.

In QuickBooks:

Here is the Credit Memo in QuickBooks, posted after it was applied to an invoice payment.


Receive Payment

Lastly for Accounts Receivable, create a new payment for a customer. Select any credit you want applied to this payment, then select the invoice(s) you want to pay. Save the payment. A QuickBooks Document # will show up after a couple of minutes.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I pay an invoice? | How do I apply credit towards an invoice payment? | How do I partially apply a Credit Memo?

In QuickBooks:

Here is the Invoice Payment in QuickBooks.


Accounts Payable Bill

A/P Bills are creating when a Purchase Order (P/O) Receive is closed. Once a bill has been created, marking it Ready to Post will automatically kick off the process of getting it posted to QuickBooks.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I manage A/P Bills?

In QuickBooks:

Here is the A/P Bill in QuickBooks.


A/P Deposit

A/P Deposits are essentially the vendor version of a prepayment. Create it, mark it paid, and it'll be ready to apply towards the payment of an A/P Bill.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I create an A/P Deposit?

Note: You can also create an A/P Deposit directly from a (P/O). That deposit will then automatically associate itself with the A/P Bill created from that P/O once it has been received.

In QuickBooks:

Here is the A/P Deposit in QuickBooks.


Vendor Credit

Vendor Credits are similar to credit memos. Once you create one, it will not go to QuickBooks right away - it will remain exclusively in DigitBridge until it has been applied to a bill payment. Once that happens, the record of that vendor credit will appear in QuickBooks.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I use Vendor Credits?

In QuickBooks:

Here is the Vendor Credit in QuickBooks.


A/P Bill Payment

Lastly, create a new A/P Bill Payment for a vendor. Select any credit you want applied to this payment, then select the bill(s) you want to pay. Save the payment. A QuickBooks Document # will show up after a couple of minutes.

In DigitBridge: 

How do I create an A/P Bill payment?

In QuickBooks:

Here is the Bill Payment in QuickBooks.
