What are Price Rules?

Everything you need to know about setting up Price Rules.

There are five default price rules supported by DigitBridge, but it's possible to add custom rules as well. To see them, in ERP, go to Settings > System > System Parameters Setting. Click the Price Rule tab on the left and you will see the supported rules.

Last Selling Price | When this rule is active, when a customer re-orders a specific SKU, they will receive the same price as the last time they ordered it. This comes in handy if you enter a manual discount on a customer's order and you want that discounted price honored in the future. Using this rule, you don't need to manually discount the item every time.

Customer Reserve Price | Special customers get special pricing. An example of this would be enterprise customers who order at a very high volume. You may reserve an especially low price for these customers.

Promotion Price | This rule is used for limited-run promotions, seasonal sales, etc.

Qty Price | This rule will adjust the price based on the quantity of the item ordered. This is used to incentivize higher volume orders. For example, 1-10 of an item will sell for $80 apiece but 11-20 will sell for $70 apiece. 

Business Type Price | This rule will determine pricing based on what business type a specific customer belongs to.

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What is the Price Book and how do I use it?