What do I do if I get a "Print Error: Items were not picked"?

When getting orders ready to ship, there are errors that can occur. Here is how to deal with an error when items were not picked.


Items were not picked. This means that an item/some items in the order were either not picked or were not recorded as being picked during the picking process.

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Go to the Order Details page of this order by clicking the ERP Order # in the upper right-hand corner.

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Click Change Pick Status. Select the circle under the Option column next to the SKU you are going to mark picked.

In the From section, enter the quantity of that SKU you are picking from the correct location as a negative number.

Note: There could be multiple locations to choose from - make sure you are picking from the correct one.

This will update the number in the To section. Do this until each line is green. Click Marked as Picked.

Now, the order is ready to ship without error.

See related:

How do I use a pick ticket to pick items in the warehouse?

How do I fulfill an order in the warehouse?