What is a Cycle Count and how do I do one?

Here is an explanation of what a Cycle Count is as well as instructions on how to conduct a Cycle Count, how to view Cycle Count History, and how to export your search results.

What is a Cycle Count?

A Cycle Count is a process typically set in place by leadership that requires a set amount of inventory to be counted at a specific time on a specific cadence, without having to count the entire stock all at once. This is starting to become the norm as more and more business owners move away from full inventory counts.

Conducting a Cycle Count

There are a couple of ways to do this. You can do it as a Location Count (go to: Mark Counted) or you can do it from Inventory > Cycle Counting. Select your Warehouse then click Search.

Select the location(s) you wish to mark counted (after conducting a complete count of the items in that location). Click Mark Counted.

Determine if you want to modify the date and time, enter a Count Note, then click Save.

You will get a notification that the count was successful.

Now, the date will appear under Last Count date.

Count Cycle Count History

From the Cycle Counting screen, you can sort by the Last Count Date or the Location itself. This will show you when each location was last counted. 

For more detailed information, you'll need to go to ERP. In ERP > Inventory > Inventory Log, Search by Type = Count. Click Apply. This will show you all counts conducted. You can view it as a List,

Or a high-level Summary (don't forget to click Load Summary).

For full cycle count information, you'll go to ERP > Inventory > Inventory Adjustment. Search by Type = Cycle Count. This will show you all Cycle Counts. You can also view this as a List,

Or a high-level Summary (don't forget to click Load Summary).

Bear in mind that only Cycle Counts resulting in a change of in-stock value (e.g., the inventory in WMS was 10 but upon counting, the actual amount was 9, resulting in a difference of -1) will appear in these historical logs. Cycle Counts where the actual count is the same as the expected count will not appear.

Exporting Search Results

To export your results to a .csv, simply click Export CSV in the upper right-hand corner. 

Determine which columns you want to export (the default will be all columns). Prior to this, you can also edit which columns you want to see in which order using the sort tool. Either export the full results or just the ones showing on that individual page (which you can adjust at the bottom in the Results per page field). This example only has nine rows, so the only available option is to download the current page.

This will download the .csv for you to open using the spreadsheet tool of your choice (Excel, Google Sheets, etc.)