What is "Overwrite Children's Value?"

Here is a guide on what "Overwrite Children's Value" is, how to use it, and how to change its default settings.

What is Overwrite Children's Value?

Some attributes are commonly shared from the Style level vertically across the Substyle level and/or the SKU level such as Brand, Gender, Condition, Manufacturer, Age Group, Product Title, Product Description, Product Features, SEO, Material Content, Care Instruction, Category, Group, etc. 

Styles (Parent Level): Brand, Gender, Age Group, Condition, Manufacturer, Product Title, Product Description, Product Features, SEO, Material Content, Care Instruction, Product Category, Class/Sub Class, Group/Subgroup, Pricing. 

Substyle (Parent/Child Level): Color Code, Color Name, Color Map, NRF Color Code/Description. 

Product/SKU (Child/Variant Level): Size Code, Size Name, NRF Size Code/Description, UPC, SKU 

When this option is "on", information will be saved top-down from Style to child/variant levels. 

Tip: The advantage of this tool is to efficiently save common attributes across all different levels. This can save you a lot of time as you enter product information in the Product Details Window.

How do I Use This in my Operations?

In the Product Details Window (LINK), this option will be visible when the item is under the Style or Substyle level; otherwise referred to as Parent Levels (check out the guide for how to navigate these levels), not at the SKU level. 


Knowing what you've read in the section above, toggle this "on" if you want this information to be applied to any levels below the one you are currently on. If not, make sure it is toggled "off."


Warning: Once you save product detail edits having turned this on, you cannot undo the changes. Make sure to double-check the setting before you proceed, or it will mean you have to manually revert your product information to what it was before.

How do I Change the Default Setting for Overwrite Children's Value?

Because changes saved with the overwrite feature turned on are not reversible, we allow users the option to save the default setting as "off."

You can change this setting in the PIM Profile Settings. Check out this guide and scroll to Product > Default Rule for instructions on making the default either "on" or off."