What is the A/P Outstanding Bill Inquiry and how do I use it?

Here's what you need to know in order to search for and report on outstanding accounts payable bills.

To view all outstanding A/P Bills, you can sort by status on the A/P Bill List screen (See related articles: how to manage A/P Bills and sort and filter tools). However, there is a much quicker way!

To view your Outstanding A/P Bills in ERP, go to Accounts Payable > Outstanding A/P Bill.

Set your search parameters (sort, filter, etc.) or just click Apply to see all. The Summary tab will show you a high-level view of your outstanding bills and payments.

The Outstanding A/P Bill tab shows you a more detailed breakdown of the bills by showing them to you line by line.

The Payment tab shows you a record of payments you’ve made line by line

The Summary by Vendor tab is fairly self-explanatory - you can see a summary of your balance and payment history vendor by vendor. 

The chart defaults to the first five vendors in the list but you can select whichever ones you want to see.