What is the Invoice Inquiry/Invoice Item Inquiry and how do I use it?

Here is information on how to locate and analyze the data found in the Invoice Inquiry and the Invoice Item Inquiry.

To access this tool, you will - from the ERP Module - go to Accounts Receivable > Invoice Inquiry OR Invoice Item Inquiry

Let's look at them one at a time.

Invoice Inquiry

Let's set the date range to the last two months. You also have the option of running this report for specific, individual invoices, customers, channels, etc. using the Search by function. Use the sort and filter tools to further refine your search if necessary. Click Apply.

You will immediately be shown the Summary screen. This shows you the high-level information about invoices for all customers.

The Invoice tab breaks this down Invoice by Invoice. Select which invoices you'd like to see in the charts, otherwise the first five will be there. Click Charts to collapse the charts and only see the grid.

The Credit tab shows available credits (and will adjust itself based on your search parameters). 

The Tax tab shows all tax information for the results of your search inquiry.

State and Sales Rep will break down the invoices by the assigned Sales Rep and the State of the shipping address associated with that invoice. The sales rep emails have been hidden but the first three lines (all in California) are from different reps. Each state gets one line per rep (provided they had sales in that state).

Note: For the above and below images, email addresses have been covered up for privacy.

Finally, the Sales Rep tab will return the information rep by rep with each rep getting a single line.

Invoice Item Inquiry

While the above is a more general tool, this digs down into the items included in the invoice rather than just the invoice alone. As before, let's look at the last two months. Click Apply

The Summary screen shows you high level information about the invoices from that time frame for that customer, including how many items were sold and returned as well as the dollar amount of the sales and returns.

The Detail tab shows you the invoice information listed item by item. As you can see from the highlighted portion, each item takes up its own row.

The Summary by Invoice tab shows you the same information but consolidated into one invoice per line. Click Chart to hide the charts and only see the grid.

The Summary by SKU tab shows you all invoiced items SKU by SKU, not sorted by Invoice number. Click Chart to hide the charts and only see the grid.

The Summary by Customer tab shows very high-level information for the customer(s). Because we limited our search to only one customer, there is only one row. Opening the search will return more results. Click Chart to hide the charts and only see the grid.