What is the Purchase Order Item Inquiry report?

Information on the P/O Item Inquiry report and how to best utilize and analyze it.

For a closer look at your P/O data, you can use the P/O Item Inquiry. There are two places to find this.

First, you can find it via the Purchasing page.

Second, you can find it in the Advanced Reports tab of the Operational Reports page under Purchase Order Insights.

Select your date rangeUse the sort and filter tools to design your default view for this report (as well as any additional customized views you want to have available to you). Click Apply

Note: In the More Filter panel, there are some toggles at the bottom that can help you refine your search:

  • Exclude Cancelled: Toggling this on will only show you P/Os that have not been canceled.
  • Exclude Closed: Toggling this on will only show you P/Os that have not been closed.
  • Exclude Fully Received: Toggling this on will only show you P/Os that have not yet been fully received.
  • Unprocessed Item Only: Toggling this on will only show you P/Os that have not been fully processed.

This will return a Summary of your P/Os from the date range you specified.

The Detail tab will show you each item in each P/O, line by line. 

Summary by P/O breaks down the data with each P/O as its own row. Click Charts to hide the charts and only show the table.

Summary by SKU breaks down the data with each individual item as its own row. Click Charts to hide the charts and only show the table.

See related:

What is the P/O Receive Inquiry and how do I use it?