What is the Price Book and how do I use it?

Here is a comprehensive guide to the Price Book tool in ERP.

First, you should set up some price rules.

To locate the Price Book, start in the ERP Module and navigate to Inventory > Price Book on the left-hand sidebar. Along the top, you will see options to enter information on the SKU, Substyle, or Style level. This will determine if the price rule(s) you set apply to a single SKU only, all SKUs within a Substyle, or all SKUs within all Substyles within a Style.

Price by Business Type

Here is where you can differentiate the price of these items based on the business type of that particular customer or channel. (See: How to create a business type). Once you enter the SKU/Substyle/Style at the top, all of the Business Types will appear. You can now enter unique pricing for each type. For future orders, all Customers designated as a specific type will pay that amount for the item(s) you added this rule to (See: how to assign a business type to a customer). You can also assign a date range if - for instance - you are giving Dropship customers a lower price for a certain period. Once that time has elapsed, the item(s) will revert to their default price rules for customers of that type.

You also have the option to remove the ability of a certain business type to purchase specified item(s) by switching the toggle under Disable to on. 

Price by Qty

This commonly used price rule designates different prices at different quantities of an item purchased by the customer. This financially incentivizes higher volume orders. For example: MSRP for an individual item is $100. But if you purchase ten, the unit cost decreases to $90. If you purchase more than 25, it decreases to $80. And so on. Click Add Line for each quantity range. To add an open-ended range (e.g., 100+), just leave the cell in the To column blank.

Promotion Price

If you're running a special or promotion on a specific Style/Substyle/SKU, you can set a promotion rule in this tab. There are three options: 1) set the price, 2) set a discount percentage, or 3) set a dollar amount percentage. You can also set a start and end date. If you want it to run indefinitely, just leave the End Date blank.

Customer Reserve Price

If you have configured customer and SKU mapping on the customer SKU management page, selecting this customer and SKU in the sales order will retrieve the price you have set on the customer SKU page. (LINK COMING SOON)

Once you've saved your Price Book Settings, you can see the information populated in the Inventory Management screen for any affected SKU. In the Info tab under Financial Attributes, you will see any assigned Price Rules.