What is the product detail page in PIM?

Everything you need to know about product information in the PIM module.

First, you need to conduct a product search (LINK). The list that appears will contain clickable SKUs. Clicking on an item under the SKU column will bring you to the Product Detail Page.

This page provides more in-depth information about the selected product, offering details such as Style Code, Substyle code, SKU, Product Specifications, Pricing, Digital Assets, Availability, and any additional information relevant to that particular item. The Product Detail Page serves as a centralized location for comprehensive insights into a specific product, allowing users to review and manage its details efficiently. It contains seven tabs and some helpful functions. The tabs are: Basic Info, Operation, Images, Children, Content Resources, Channel Attributes, Alias, and Qty Overwrite


Style Master Matrix Navigator

Before we get into any of those tabs, click on the three horizontal bars in the top left-hand corner. This will display the hierarchy at the Style level, Substyle level, and Product/SKU level, providing a great tool for users to navigate products under different levels. For more, check out this guide on the Style Master Matrix Navigator

Overwrite Children's Value

Make sure this is on or off depending on your objective in using the Product Details Window. For more, check out this guide on overwriting children's value.


Show Image Sidebar

Click the image icon on the right-hand side at any time to view all images associated.

Now, let's look at the tabs.

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Basic Info


Caution: Bear in mind that this will not be editable unless you click Edit Basic Info in the upper right-hand corner.

This section includes fundamental details about the product, such as its Style code, Sub-Style code, SKU, title, description, category, and other essential information. 

Note: The bulk of these fields are managed within ERP and are therefore read-only (i.e., not clickable) in PIM and Commerce Central.

It includes the following aspects: 

Key Product Data

This encompasses fundamental information about the product, such as its style code, SKU, title, description, category, and any other essential details that form the core information about the product. The majority of these are managed from ERP (see: How to use the Style Master) and are read-only in PIM. 


The pricing section includes details related to the cost and pricing strategy of the product such as Wholesale Price, MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price), and MAP (Minimum Advertised Price). They are only managed from ERP (See: How to use the Style Master), and read-only in PIM. 


Specifications refer to detailed technical or functional characteristics of the product. This could include dimensions, materials used, weight, color options, and other specifics that define the product's features. They are only managed from ERP (See: How to use the Style Master), and read-only in PIM. 


Identity information often includes unique identifiers associated with the product. We store UPC (Universal Product Codes), EAN (European Article Number), ISBN (International Standard Book Number), and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) to identify the product. They are only managed from ERP (See: How to use the Style Master), and read-only in PIM. 

Product Features 

This section is fully customizable and only appears if it has been set up. To create and edit the Product Features section, check out this guide.

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Note: Only two fields under the Operation tab are editable: Sales Channel and Label. The rest are read-only as they are managed in ERP.

This section covers various operational aspects related to the product, such as Sales Channel, Class Category, Group, Product Specifications etc. FIX ONCE LABEL IS IN

Operation Setting

This section has two fields: Sales Channel and Label.

Sales Channel shows at each level (Style/Substyle/SKU) which channels the item is sold on. It allows users to assign products at the Style/Substyle/Product level to sales channels, as well as easily remove them. 

Tip: If users want to assign the entire Style to a channel, it would be better to navigate to Style (using the three horizontal bars in the upper-left corner), turn Overwrite Children's Value on so that the assignment will be applied to Substyle and Product SKU levels, and make your updates. This is the most efficient way to assign items to Channels. 

On the right-hand side of the Sales Channel textbox, click the pencil icon to begin editing the channels. 

The Sales Channel window will appear.

To see only the selected channels, check the box next to Display Selected Channels Only.

Add any channels you'd like by clicking the checkbox next to the channel name (locate the name either by scrolling or using the search bar). When the box is checked, the value in the Catalog column will automatically update to Prepare Catalog





Once you have made all the changes you want to make, don't forget to hit Save.


What about Product Catalog and Product Specifications?

These are fields managed in ERP and are therefore read-only. They're here for the user's reference.

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As part of Digital Assets Management (DAM) this section displays internally stored image links (URL) as sources for different image views/angles.

Click the pencil icon for details.

The second portion of the page is dedicated to another important category of images: Channel-Specific Images. Each sales channel has distinct image requirements related to size, resolution, format, and more. Conveniently, you can assign channel-specific images using the Content Resources section.  

Clicking one of the channels will expand the line to include all images specifically formatted for that channel. Clicking Expand All will display them for all listed channels.

Tip: The user can drag and drop the image to switch image positions.


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Note: This tab is only viewable when you are on a Style or Substyle (i.e., parent) level. For guidance, go to the Functions section of this guide and look under Style Master Matrix.

This tab lists the product relationship or hierarchy of all variants (children) under the currently selected parent level (Style or Sub-Style) with information such as SKU, Color Pattern Code, Size, Length, and Width, presented in a list view. This tab will only appear if you are viewing a Style or Sub-Style (something with children) - if you are viewing an individual product, it will not be visible.

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Content Resources

Content Resources in PIM keep information organized and consistent. They ensure that your products are shown accurately and attractively on various online platforms.

Managing these resources in PIM means keeping everything organized and in one place. This makes sure that your product information looks the same whether it's on your own website, an online wholesale marketplace, or a major retailer's website. Our PIM system helps you do this easily, keeping your product information up-to-date.

These resources are key to making your products stand out online. With good management, your products will look better and be more appealing to customers across different digital channels. This leads to happier customers and better engagement with your products. Anchor links?


Copywriting and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are two crucial elements that often go hand-in-hand to create effective online content. Copywriting involves crafting persuasive and compelling written content, while SEO focuses on optimizing that content for search engines to improve its visibility and ranking. 

Digital Assets

As part of Digital Assets Mangement, Digital Assets refer to any form of content or media that exists in a digital format and has value. These assets are created, edited, stored, and distributed electronically. Digital assets can take various forms and serve multiple purposes across different industries. The default attributes are Main Image, Front Image, Back Image, Side Image, Full Image, Thumbnail, and Swatch Image. However, you can create any customized attributes based on your business needs in Settings LINK

Different from the "Images" section, this info is managed in different ways: 

  1. Commonly used images from the internal imaging library that can be used repeatedly, e.g. Main Image, Front Image, Back Image etc.
  2. Images based on special requirements from Channels in Size and Resolution, such as 2000X3000@300, or 2000X2000@150, etc.
  3. Other special image format for Channels (e.g., showing the image without the model's head visible).  It is up to the user to add more fields in this group, or use different images in channel attributes LINK



Key Product Attributes

FINESSE Technical Specifications are crucial for outlining a product's details. They cover important aspects like size, materials, performance, and compatibility. These specifications give a clear and complete view of what the product is and what it can do, making sure that the product's information is accurate and easy to understand.

The default attributes are configured based on the industry, with the Apparel Industry serving as an example. In this sector, default attributes primarily focus on the technical aspects of clothing, covering materials, styles, and types in various categories. 

Catalog (Line Sheet)


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Channel Attributes

Channel Attributes play a fundamental role in describing and defining the characteristics of products. They are individual pieces of information that provide details about a product's features, specifications, and other relevant information. 

Please pay attention to the information hierarchy when making changes. Use the filters across the top to obtain more specific information.

Filter | Use this field to search for the full or partial name of any attribute in any channel. Once you're done typing, hit enter or click the magnifier icon. All related attributes containing the search text will be displayed and listed by their respective channels. 

Channel | Choose a channel or multiple channels if the searches are channel-specific. 

Operation Set | An Operation Set serves as a grouping of attributes that are associated with a particular business operation or goal. When this operation set is executed, it retrieves and displays information related to that specific objective, leveraging the defined attributes. (See related articles: How to create an Operation Set? How to use Operation Sets?)

When the user chooses a specific Operation Set, such as "Market Price & Sales Report," all attributes related to that Operation Set will be listed on this page: 

It is convenient for the user to make modifications to the specific attributes that are associated with the Operation Set. 

Group | When creating or importing attributes, users can mark or label the attribute in the 'Group' field to group them. One of the biggest benefits is using it to identify whether this attribute is required when listing it in the Channel. 

Where are these groups set up? Add Group info and links

Depending on channels or platforms, such as Mirakl, users can define the group by commonly required attributes (e.g., Macy's - Required), and/or by department (e.g., Macy's - Men's Required), and/or by category (e.g., Macy's - Women's Jeans - Required). Upon applying these filters, all related channel-specific attributes will be listed. 

This tool will facilitate and benefit users in completing data entry, ensuring that there is no missing information before pushing it to channels.  


Note: when Enter Fullscreen is clicked (1), the filters across the top will shift to the left side of the page (2).



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Note: This tab is only viewable when you are on the Product SKU level. For guidance, go to the Functions section of this guide and look under Style Master Matrix.

Aliases are helpful when you need to adjust your SKU format for specific channels. An example of this would be if you have unisex items but the site requires you to differentiate by gender. Orders will pull from a single inventory source, however, so on the backend, it needs to be a single SKU. This is where Aliases come in handy: you can have a SKU-M for men's and a SKU-W for women's. But when managing your inventory, you will only see the original SKU (keeping things simple).

Note: Aliases can also be found in ERP. Check out this guide: How do I create Product Codes for my catalog?

In the Alias tab, click Click Here.

Select the channel that requires the Alias. Type the Alias into the text box. Select Send this alias as SKU to the Channel. Click Save.

Your Alias has been saved. You can add as many as you like, or remove them using the Delete button. When you're done, click Sync Alias to push the new information to the channel. IS THAT IT? HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO PRODUCT CODES IN ERP? WHERE SHOULD THESE ULTIMATELY BE MANAGED?

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Qty Overwrite

Normally, inventory quantity is managed by percentage per channel, either based on sales or on the entire inventory. EXPLAIN / LINK TO QTY OVERWRITE ARTICLE MAYBE EMPTY THIS SECTION MOSTLY EXCEPT FOR A LINK.

The Qty Overwrite gives you another tool to set up rules at the SKU level for different channels. 

To create a Rule, click on Click Here. A pop-up window will appear for users to select the Channel Account and Rule name from the dropdown list. After making the selection, the information for the rule will be displayed as well: 

Click Save

Then newly created rule will be listed.

Repeat the above step if you want to apply other Rules to other Channels. Users can also delete rules by clicking Delete at the end of the row.

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