What reports should I use to analyze inventory data?

Here is a comprehensive breakdown of which reports give you the most meaningful inventory insights.

DigitBridge offers robust reporting giving you meaningful insights into Sales, Inventory, Order, and Purchase Order data. Here are the most important reports to use for inventory data analysis.

First, in ERP, you'll need to go to Operational Reports. While in the Key Reports tab, the likely most used report here will be the Product ATS Analysis.

In the Advanced Reports tab, it will be the Inventory Valuation Detail.

Product ATS Analysis

Based on open sales orders and open purchase orders, you can calculate the forecasted in-stock quantity and available-to-sell (ATS) quantity for a specific SKU and Style. This inquiry allows you to calculate the ATS of inventory for up to 12 periods. Typically, this inquiry is used by sales representatives for inventory forecasting.

From the Product ATS Analysis page, select the amount of time you want to forecast out to (ex: the next two months). Set your Search Parameters and apply filters (unless you just want to see everything) and click Apply

You will initially see the Summary view of the report giving you all of the information at a high level.

You can also view the report from a Style or SKU format. You can expand any given Substyle to see all the affiliated SKUs beneath it (in the SKU view). This will show all the necessary info: how much is in stock, total open sales orders, purchase orders, and ATS. You can also view this as a chart by clicking Chart - it will show you the top five results, or whichever ones you select.

If you scroll to the right, you can see more ATS data over the next two months (per the search specifications).

You can also view the report by Category, Brand, or Class. But what will likely be the most useful are Projection and ATS

Projection shows you exactly what is and will be available for each SKU (with an ETA), as well as the S/O and P/O information.

ATS is essentially the same, minus the S/O and P/O information. 

Inventory Valuation Detail

This report will help you define the valuation of your inventory over a given period.

[Article to come]

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What reports should I use to analyze sales data?