Why don't all of my Settlement File Payments have QuickBooks IDs?
Here we explain why this happens and how to handle this when dealing with an accrual-based sales customer.
DigitBridge will handle your customers differently based on whether they are cash-based or accrual-based sales customers.
Tip: Want to know the different between cash-based and accrual-based sales? Check out this guide.
Based on the QuickBooks settings for a particular customer (completed during your DigitBridge onboarding), each customer will be set up as either a cash-based or accrual-based sales customer. All Settlement File Payments appear in DigitBridge regardless of what type the customer is. However, only Settlement File Payments from accrual-based sales customers appear with QuickBooks IDs (QBIDs). If you want to generate QBIDs for cash-based sales settlement files, here's what you can do.
In ERP, go to Accounts Receivable > Settlement File Payments.
Search for the customer you want to find a payment/payments for. You can use the sort & filter tools as well as locate all records that do not have a QBID. Click Apply. Click the Payment #.
In the Settlement File Payment Management page, make sure you are in Edit mode.
Click Create Cash Sales Summary.
This will create a new payment record for this cash-based sale as if it were an accrual-based sale.
Now, head to Accounts Receivable > Miscellaneous Transactions.
Click Apply.
The most recent transactions will appear at the top of the list and there will be a QBID.
Caution: The transactions will appear sorted by the date the payment occurred, not the date you created the Miscellaneous Transaction.