How do I view, edit, or void an invoice?

Everything you need to know about searching for, viewing, editing, or voiding invoices in ERP.

Track and manage your invoices by going to the Sales tab on the left-hand menu and selecting Invoice Processing.

This will bring you to the Invoices List. Here, you can search by various things: Invoice #, P/O #, Customer #, etc. Click Apply and they will appear below.

Click one of the invoices to navigate to the Invoice Management Screen. Here you will see all the details of this invoice including the Customer, relevant dates, and Status. You can View, Add, Edit, or Void invoices.

Note: Best practice is not to create a new invoice from this screen as Invoices are automatically generated once a Sales Order is sent back from WMS to ERP (an action that also creates a shipment). 

View/Edit Invoices

Viewing and editing look the same here - the only difference being that the fields are grey and unclickable when in View mode and are white and clickable when in Edit mode. The next image is View mode. The rest of the images in this section will be taken from Edit mode. Click Show More to see more General information. 

All the fields contained in the box below will appear. Click Show Less to revert the view back to the way it was.

The Lines tab shows you all of the items on the invoice. If the invoice hasn't been paid yet, you can make inline edits here,

Or click the plus sign to make further edits.

The Address tab shows you where and how it’s being sent along with any relevant tracking & shipping information. You can also enter a separate billing address if it is different than the shipping address.

The Sales Reps tab is where the sales rep information associated with that particular customer will go. If a customer has a sales rep assigned, it will appear automatically. You can manually add, remove, or adjust information here as well, including commission.

Activity is a very important tab as it gives you the lifecycle of the transaction from the incoming Sales Order to Shipment to Invoice to Payment.

Credits will show you all credits for this Customer (both available and already used). Click Credit List for the full view of all credits.

Transactions shows the entire transaction history of the customer. Click Transaction List for the full view of all transactions.

Attributes will show you any attributes that were set up during your onboarding process.

At the bottom of all of these tabs, you will see a Notes section and a summary Summary. Click Show More in the Summary section.

This will expand the section to show you everything in the box below. Click Show Less to collapse the section back to the way it was.

Process an Invoice Payment

Once you have processed payment for an invoice, the status will automatically adjust from Outstanding to Paid

Void Invoices

To void an invoice, simply change into the Void mode. 

Click Void.

Click Yes.

Your invoice has now been voided. 

Note: You cannot void an invoice with associated transactions. This error will appear:

Action, Reports, History, Notes, and Attachments

From this inventory management screen, there are several actions you can take using the Action button. You can open up your accounting software, make a payment on that invoice, or add a notification and assign it to yourself or another user.

From the Report button, you can print the report (which will download it) or print the packing list. 

From the History button, you can view different aspects of the product history

Tracking Notes allows you to add tracking-specific notes to the record. 

Clicking the button will open the Tracking Notes menu. Enter your Note, then click Save.

You will get a notification telling you the note was saved.

Add as many as you like. When you're done, click OK.

The Attachment Files button allows you to attach any files you want to the record.

Note: Make sure you are in Edit mode or our system will not allow you to attach any files.

Click Add Files.

Drag your file into the grey box, or click it to upload a file from your device. You may enter a description if you like, although it is not required. Click Upload when you're done.

You can also download files another user may have uploaded by clicking Download. When you're finished, click X to quit the window.

Don't forget to Save when you're done!

Click Yes.

Details and Product Sales

On the right-hand side, you will see the Details and Product Sales panel. More information on that can be found in this guide.