What are the different customer types?

Here is a guide on the various customer types found in DigitBridge: what they mean and how to use and assign them.

Customer Types

Here are the Customer Types that exit in DigitBridge:

  1. Wholesale – Traditional Wholesale Customer: These customers typically purchase goods in large quantities for resale. They are often retailers or other businesses that buy products in bulk at a discounted rate. 

  2. Retail – Retail Customer: This category represents the end consumer who purchases products or services through online retail platforms. These customers engage in e-commerce transactions, often seeking convenience, variety, and competitive pricing. They typically interact with online storefronts or mobile applications, making selections based on product descriptions, reviews, and digital marketing. 

  3. E-commerce – E-commerce Platform Customer: This customer type represents your webstore, or wherever you host your own business website. Examples of this are Shopify, Magento, Squarespace, WooCommerce, etc.

  4. Marketplace – Marketplace Platform Customer: This category represents online marketplace platforms like Amazon. These platforms provide a common space where multiple sellers can offer their goods, reaching a wide audience. 

  5. Dropship Channel – Dropship Platform Customer: This refers to platforms like Nordstrom that offer dropshipping services. Customers in this category are businesses that list products on these platforms without holding physical inventory. When a product is sold, the order is passed to the supplier who ships it directly to the end consumer, making it a cost-effective model for the customer.

  6. Direct Dropship – Dropship Seller: Direct dropship sellers are businesses or individuals who sell products through dropshipping. Unlike the Dropship Channel customers, they might use their own websites or various online platforms to sell products. They don't stock the goods themselves but instead forward customer orders directly to manufacturers or wholesalers for fulfillment.

  7. Store Guest – POS Walk-in Customer: This designation is used for identifying walk-in customers in a physical store setting, typically through a Point of Sale (POS) system. Store guests are typically one-time or infrequent customers who make purchases without registering for an account or loyalty program. 

  8. Imported New Customer – Automatically Created Customer: This refers to a new customer profile automatically created by the system when an incoming order is placed by an individual not previously in the database. This might occur during website interactions or sales order imports. These customer profiles often require further clarification or verification by the user to ensure accuracy and completeness.

How to assign a Customer Type to a Customer

First, you need to create a new customer. While in Edit mode (or Add mode if you are working on a new customer), select the desired type from the Customer Type dropdown.

Now, any price rules assigned to a particular Customer Type will apply to this customer going forward.