How do I fulfill an order in the warehouse?

Here's where you will learn how to process, hold, adjust, or cancel a sales order in the WMS Module.

Once you have created a Sales Order (S/O) and its accompanying Pick Ticket (P/T), it's time to process it in the warehouse. In the WMS Module, go to Sales Order > Queue Pick List. Click Preview.

All orders will appear with the most recent at the top. This is most useful when the order you are trying to fulfill was recently created. However, you can also search by specific S/O # or Channel Order ID (the order number from a digital sales channel). 

Clicking into your preferred order will open up the Order Details. Here you can view and edit the shipping information, see what items the order contains, and check the status. You can also elect to Hold the order (which puts it on a temporary lock until you un-hold it), Abandon it, or Cancel it.

Hold a Sales Order

To hold an order, click Hold on the details page. 

Enter a reason for the hold. Click Yes.

The order is now on hold. To release it, simply get to the details page and click Unhold.

Abandon a Sales Order

As was mentioned in the user guide for creating Sales Orders, once a S/O is sent to the warehouse it is locked for future modifications. However, there are several occurrences which might require an order to be edited after it has been marked ReadyToShip. No - you do not have to cancel the order and start again. All you need to do is abandon the fulfillment process. To this, from the Details page, click Modify.

A menu will pop up alerting you that this action will unlock the order for editing in ERP and prompting you to select a reason you are abandoning the order fulfillment process. Select whichever reason applies.

The order fulfillment has now been abandoned.

If we go to ERP, we will notice that the status of the order has reverted to Pending - making it editable again. Once the required edits have been made (in Edit Mode), update the status back to ReadyToShip.

Back in WMS, you'll need to wait a few minutes for the order to appear again on the Queue Pick List.

Cancel an Order

If you decide to cancel an order knowing you will not be re-submitting it, you can easily do that as well. From the Order Details page, click the three horizontal dots next to Modify. Click Cancel. This will cancel the order completely.

Fulfilling an Order

From the Order Details page, once you have confirmed your shipping address and service, click Shipments.

The shipment for this order appears as Pending. Click the arrow next to it to expand. This will show you all the items needed and at what quantity. Either scan the barcodes of each item or manually adjust the Selected amount.

Adjusting that amount will zero out the values in the Remaining Qty column.

Click the gear icon for Services to select which shipping services to use. LINK TO SHOP AROUND COMING SOON. Adjust your settings and hit Save.

You can also export your shipping label and/or packing slip to a PDF.

To manually mark your order shipped, go to Sales Order > Shipments and click Search. Locate your order then click the gear icon under the Action Column. Select Mark Shipped & Cancel & Hold.

Fill out all of the required fields, then click Marked Shipped.

Back in ERP under Shipment > Shipment, after a few minutes, the shipment will appear when you click Apply.