Product Feature Release 3/25/24

A comprehensive breakdown of all features, fixes, and updates released on 3/25/24.

Dropship Center

New Feature Release | We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Dropship Center - a portal for DigitBridge customers to use for all their dropshipping needs (whether they are sellers or suppliers). Any current dropship operations with major retailers will continue without disruption and will not require additional training. If you’d like to learn more about Dropship Center and how to use it, please submit a support request and we will take care of you.

Vendor Portal

Continued Improvements | We are continuing to make improvements and new developments within our Vendor Portal. If you would like to get any of your suppliers set up via our Vendor Portal, please submit a support request and we will get started. 

New UX/UI Design

Streamlined ERP Experience | We are pleased to launch our new User Interface designed to streamline the ERP Module and offer an improved user experience for DigitBridge customers. We have taken the number of menu tabs in ERP from 23 to 13 (fewer, if you elect to hide tabs you are not using). Each tab has been given its own menu, making navigation easier and adding descriptions to each function. Below are a couple of introductory videos - if you haven’t already, we recommend you give them a view before using the new design.

New ERP Design: General

New ERP Design: Management Pages 


Merge/Change Customer Codes | Users can change the customer code at the administrative level as well as merge two customer codes into one.

How do I merge or otherwise change customer codes? - NEW

Customer Profile Pictures | Images can now be added to customer profiles.

How do I add an image to a customer profile? - NEW


Product Bulk Entry | We have enhanced our Bulk Entry tool to enable users to update a large quantity of items all at once: efficiently and accurately.

How do I use the Product Bulk Entry tool? - updated


Feed Order Info to Channel | We have updated the language in Sales Orders from the negative “Disable Feed to Channel: off/on” to the positive “Feed to Channel: off/on.” 

How do I edit e-commerce Sales Orders? - updated

How do I know if an order is feeding directly to the sales channel? - NEW

Accounts Receivable

Settlement File Type | In the Settlement File Payment screen, we have added a column to show what type of transaction it is: an actual payment or a Journal Entry. On the payment itself, the Total amount posted will now be more prominently displayed.

Prepayment Function Improvement | When creating prepayments from sales orders, the system will redirect the user to the Prepayment Management screen rather than using a small menu pop-up.

How do I process a prepayment? - updated

How do I refund prepayments? - updated


History/Activity Tab | Under the Activity (formerly History) tab, you can now see the type of record as well as any related dollar amount.

How do I view, edit, or close a Purchase Order? - updated

Bulk Assign Vendors in P/O Proposals | When creating P/Os from proposals, you can now bulk-assign vendors based on the last vendor associated with a particular SKU.

How do I create a Purchase Order from a P/O Proposal? - updated

Accounts Payable

General Improvements | We have made updates to our A/P functionality with regards to the integration with QuickBooks. Similarly to what can be done with A/R, now when a user enables “Post Summary,” individual posting of A/P Bills, Payments, Deposits, and Credits will be disabled. 

Accounts Payable Deposits | We have made some slight improvements to the overall A/P Deposits functionality.

How do I create an A/P Deposit? - updated

How do I refund an A/P Deposit? - updated

General ERP Improvements

Increased Filter Precision | Adding onto our recent filter improvements, we have also introduced Total Amount as a search filter option in all A/R and A/P searches - this will include S/O and P/O searches in our next release.

How do I use the sort and filter tools? - updated

Inline Editing | This new function allows you to write, edit, or delete text on the front end of the page directly into the row, without having to first expand each row. This should save significant time cumulatively.

QuickBooks Integration

QuickBooks ID Filter | We’ve added a significant enhancement for QuickBooks users, assisting them in locating the data they need quickly and with precision. Users can now filter their searches to only view records without a QuickBooks ID - allowing them to more easily find records that are missing an ID.

How do I find invoices that are missing a QuickBooks ID? - NEW

Customer Settings Verbiage | The verbiage on the Customer Settings page in the QuickBooks Integration Setup has changed slightly. The word “Post” has been replaced with “Create,” as in “create a new customer in QuickBooks from this DigitBridge profile.”

How can I create a customer or channel in QuickBooks? - NEW